With App Developers in High Demand, How Do You Attract the Best?

by admin on November 3, 2018 in Dallas IT Recruiting, Technology


When it comes to recruiting top app developers the competition is fierce. Of course, competitive compensation and attractive benefits packages are important. But to recruit the best talent, employers have to look beyond the basics. Here are four areas to focus your efforts to attract top app developers.

Company Culture
We hear a lot of chatter about company culture, but what is it really? Your company culture is simply your company’s personality. Just like choosing a friend, a recruit will consider an employer’s personality traits when looking for where to work. The first thing to do is honestly assess your company’s personality. Develop a list of 7 – 10 adjectives that accurately describe your culture. Then identify any that you’d like to change and change them. This takes time and nurturing, but it is well worth the effort.

Workplace Environment
Often employers don’t think about the physical stress of coding. Long hours spent hunched over a keyboard can take a toll. Comfort in the workplace can make a big difference to employees. Everything from a relaxed dress code to ergonomic furniture, to opportunities to stretch one’s legs, can help create an attractive workplace environment. Design spaces with employees in mind. Better yet, have key staff members assist with design input.

Remote Work Availability
It is projected that by the year 2020 50% of the American workforce will work remotely. Current surveys show that over 80% of employees would like to work remotely, at least 2 – 3 days per week. There is definitely a gap between these two. An opportunity gap.

Leverage Social Media
Many companies try in vain to use social media platforms as a business development tool. As the name states, social media are social tools, not sales tools. That doesn’t mean that a good SM strategy can’t support the bottom line. You’ve carefully nurtured your company culture, created a desirable workplace environment and developed creative remote work options for your team. That is what you should be sharing on social media. Approach every post from the position of a recruit. Give them a nice look inside your incredible culture. Let them feel what it is like to work for you – when you win them emotionally, you’ll attract them. And you’ll keep them.

Danielle Foppe is a Lead Technical Recruiter at Business Centric Technology. If you are interested in learning more about how to get the best IT talent in the Dallas metroplex, contact Danielle directly at dfoppe@bct-corp.com or call us at 972-267-7950. Business Centric Technology specializes in recruiting IT talent in Dallas, Ft. Worth and North Texas. If you are looking for a rewarding career contact us today.